What Personalization Means For SEO

 Personalization Means For SEO

Personalization Means For SEO

Fascinating What Personalization Means For Seo Serp’s Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow!

Personalization user data give marketers deep insights into their users’ interests and actions, Of course, by personalization usage data I mean the areas where Google is showing you or other user’s specific things based on their usage activities. One of the most important ones to think about is location awareness.

This is particularly important obviously if you’re serving a local area, Usage history also gives Google hints about your location, meaning that even if you’re searching on your Smartphone or searching on your laptop, and you said, “Don’t share my location,”. Google and Bing will still try to figure this out, and they’ll try to figure it out by looking at your search history.

They’ll say to themselves, “Hey, it looks like this user has previously done searches for Madison Markets I can guess, based on that usage data, that you are in Seattle, and I will try and give you personalized results that essentially are tied to the location where they think you are.

In order to truly determine how a website is doing for a targeted audience, marketers need to drill down into targeted geographic areas within the country in question.

At the same time, marketers should understand who their competitors are within that small geographic location.

In a neutral search, a landing page may be on the first page of results. However, that same page may not rank as highly for cities that are actually more important in terms of reaching the target audience.


Google Search returns the most relevant and useful sites for a user. Because of this, search results can differ between a user in Ireland and a user in France.

If your site has a generic top-level domain, such as .com or .org, you can help us determine which countries are most important to you. If your site has a country-coded top-level domain (such as .i.e. or. it is already associated with a geographic region (in this example, Ireland or France). If you use a country-coded domain, you won’t be able to specify a geographic location. You can specify a target country in the International Targeting report.

Google Webmaster Tool Geo-Targeting: you can select a country from the given list you want to target.

Use Sub domain: Use sub domain like uk.example.comusa .example.com

Domain: Buying a country-specific domain is always a good idea. Host your website on targeted country.

Keywords: SEO, choosing the right keywords for your website or blog and creating backlinks to your website or blog are undoubtedly important factors in getting free traffic.

Social media: Post frequently, and give your readers the quality of information they are looking for, and you will not fail to attract them back regularly.

Backlink: you should submit your website to local search engines and target country web directories. Try to get backlinks from directories, press release or websites. If your site isn’t deemed relevant to a particular country, then you’ve got less chance of showing up when country personalization happens. If you feel you should be relevant, then you’ll probably have to work on your international SEO. One of the easiest personalization ranking factors to understand is that people are shown results relevant to the country they’re in.


Since localization is a huge part of personalization,
Relevance on a local level can now be increased by creating content on off-line events, connecting a website with other local, highly reputable websites, and creating partnerships with local social media influencers.

Search engines don’t stop personalizing at the country level. They’ll modify results to match the city or metropolitan area based on the user’s location.

As with country personalization – If your site is relevant to that city, your site will then appear, when somebody searches for city specific results

Why location-based SEO matters

IN today’s world almost all searches are location-based, including yours. Think about it—when you pull out your phone to find a nearby cafe, you don’t just type in “cafe”, you type “café in [your city]”, the more mobile friendly our society will be the more important location-based SEO becomes.

Most important factor that affects personalization-

1. Location

The big part of the search comes from Google as it tracks the searcher location. If you have location tracking turned on your mobile device, go on and prepare to be surprised.

If you are not connected to Google via a mobile device, it will figure out where you are from your IP address. This may not be as precise, but it’ll still give Google grounds to modify search results to your location.


Physical businesses and places closest to the searcher are displayed in the local pack and higher up in the organic results.

Read and search your target locations are and set up your rank checking tool to track rankings in each one separately.

If you have a local business with a physical address, you’ve got to identify your target locations and start tracking each of them For the most part, location data affects searches that imply that the user is looking for a physical place.

Personalization is thus a major factor for local businesses. Searchers within the same city, standing just a few miles away from each other, will often see different results for the same search term. Focusing your marketing around your location is an excellent way to improve your search rankings and, ultimately, your sales.

Personal history

r previous searches, the search results you clicked on, and your browser history affect how Google will personalize search results for you in the future. These details let Google understand what your interests are and tailor your search experience to them.


Google creates a personal profile for every searcher based on their browsing history, search history, and SERP clicks, and immediately alters the search results we see based on our interests.

Search engines take helps of factors such as search history, as well as localization,Personalization to optimize search results. The past searches may play a larger role in search rankings than localization, depending on the user’s connection to their environment and the relevance of the user’s perspective.

What someone has been searching and clicking on from their search results? What sites do they uniformly visit? If you want to make your website relevant, factors like country or city personalization is used by both Google and Bing.

We were recently asked by a customer if it’s possible for two people to perform the same exact search in Google and get two different search results. The answers to this question are undoubtedly yes. By now we’ve all noticed how advertisements are directly related to our search history and Google’s search results aren’t any different.

Google aims to provide relevant results for individual users and they expect search results to be different from one computer to the next. One reason why search results for the same keyword can be different is because of a user’s geographic location. Google tracks IP addresses to determine where you’re searching. For example, if you search “restaurants” in one part of town and try it again in another, Google may suggest different restaurants. Google also has the capability of personalizing search results based on your internet history.


 “Overall, personalization will play an ever-growing role in how we use results appear in SEO SERPs.”